Saturday, April 2, 2011

10 Electronic Cigarette FAQs

The electronic cigarette is quickly rising in popularity as more smokers become aware of this healthier smoking alternative. For the first time an alternative nicotine delivery system is available that closely simulates a real smoking experience. Many people believe this will lead to countless smoker's lives being saved. The e-cigarette is looking very promising and is already revolutionizing the way many people smoke... permanently.

However, because it's a relatively new device that is just coming into public awareness, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding the electronic cigarette.

Is it safe?

Can it help you quit smoking?

Is there a danger of more kids getting addicted to nicotine?

These are all sensible questions that need to be addressed in order for you to make an intelligent decision whether this is something you could benefit from.

The following are a list of 10 FAQs about the electronic cigarette :

1. How close to the real thing is it?

Very similar... enough to satisfy the most hardcore smokers. There are many reports of smokers with 1-2 pack a day habits completely switching over to e-cigarettes permanently. The vapor tastes, feels and looks like tobacco smoke. It delivers that instant nicotine satisfaction that smokers crave.

2. Is it safe?

Tobacco smoke has over 4,000 toxic chemicals. Electronic smoking has none of these because there is no actual smoke involved. Smoke is the real health hazard. E-cigarettes deliver nicotine by inhaling a vaporized water/nicotine solution without having to worry about tar, carbon monoxide, etc.

A report by the Royal College of Physicians states that nicotine by itself has not been proven to cause any long term ill health effects. Electronic cigarette vapor has about 20 ingredients (including nicotine) all of which are considered safe as long as the proper instructions are followed.

3. Can it help me quit smoking?

Electronic cigarettes are NOT marketed as smoking cessation devices. They are meant to be used by smokers who are seeking an alternative that can be used anywhere. That being said, common sense dictates that it definitely has potential to be an integral part of a sensible stop-smoking program (similar to how nicotine gum and patches are used).

4. Is it approved by the FDA?

The e-cigarette is a nicotine delivery device and doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the FDA right now.

5. Why are certain groups so opposed to it?

This is a complicated question. Certain groups may have the public's best interests in mind and just want more clinical studies to be done. Others have a financial interest in trying to figure out the best way to capitalize on what is probably going to be a billion dollar industry soon.

6. Can it be used anywhere?

Technically, yes. There is no burning tobacco so no second hand smoke is produced. Although it is totally acceptable in most public places, there are certain areas like restaurants that may not like the appearance of it. In these cases simply check with the staff first.

7. Does it target kids?

Absolutely not! There is a lot of misinformation regarding this topic. Some anti-groups are claiming that because a variety of flavors like fruit, vanilla, chocolate, etc. are available this is going to appeal to kids. That's like saying because nicotine gum comes in a variety of flavors like mint or fruit it's catering to a younger crowd. Adults enjoy a variety of flavor choices too! The bottom line is the initial cost for an electronic cigarette starter kit (usually around $100 or so) is not practical for most kids. The market is adult smokers looking for a healthier alternative smoking choice.

8. What is the best e-cigarette?

This is where you need to use a bit of discrimination. There has been a lot of cheap designs coming out of China that are wrought with mechanical problems. Luckily there are a handful of high-quality manufacturers out there. A little bit of research will help you decide. Just remember that sometimes it's worth spending a few more dollars one time to ensure you get a high quality device that is capable of giving you an enjoyable and problem-free smoking experience.

9. How much does it cost?

A quality starter kit (including rechargeable battery, charger and 5 nicotine cartridges) will run you around $100 - $150. A package of 5 cartridges will run you around $10 - $15. I cartridge is about the equivalent of 1 - 1.5 packs of cigarettes. Do the math. That's the equivalent of paying around $2 - $3 per pack of cigarettes.

10. Where can I buy one?

Because it's still fairly new, not many stores are carrying these yet. The best deals can be found online. Go to Indo Electronic Cigarette to check out some of the best electronic cigarettes available today.

Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe

Electronic cigarettes are being marketed as a safer alternative to smoking tobacco.

But just how safe are e-cigarettes?

Are there any health risks?

Let's examine electric smoking and compare it to "real" smoking so you can make an intelligent decision if this may be a wise smoking alternative for you.

The most harmful aspect of smoking cigarettes is the 4,000 toxic chemicals that are inhaled when you burn tobacco. It's the actual smoke that is causing lung cancer and respiratory disease, not the nicotine. With electronic smoking none of these 4,000 toxic chemicals are produced because there is no smoke... nothing is actually burning. No smoke means no tar, carbon monoxide, etc.

But what about the nicotine?

E-cigarettes still deliver nicotine.

How dangerous is that?

More independent studies on the effects of nicotine by itself need to be done. Right now the health risks are still inconclusive. Nevertheless, it's obvious that a method of delivering nicotine that doesn't involve real smoke is going to be much safer than burning tobacco.

The FDA recently reported that traces of carcinogens where found in a sample of electronic cigarette nicotine liquid. However, these same carcinogens are also found in nicotine delivery alternatives like the patch and gum (which are both approved by the FDA).

Also keep in mind that many every day foods like peanut butter contain trace levels of carcinogens. This is not to say that we should not be concerned about it. Just keep it in perspective. It's important to remember that the dose of a particular carcinogen is an important factor in it's toxicity. If carcinogens are present in e-cigarette vapor, it doesn't not appear to be in high doses. Right now there is no evidence that these carcinogens are are even translated into the actual electronic cigarette vapor that is inhaled.

Are electronic cigarettes totally safe?

Until more studies are done it's probably a good idea to err on the side of caution and assume that they are not 100% safe. But when you compare it to "real" smoking there really is no comparison. One thing we know for sure is that tobacco smoking is incredibly dangerous, expensive and inconvenient. E-cigarettes give smokers an alternative that appears to be much safer and will probably save countless lives.

Given a choice between the two? I think it's a no brainer...

Benefits of the Electronic Cigarette

Electronic smoking is quickly rising in popularity and may change the way people smoke forever.

Are you wondering if this is something that would benefit you or a loved one?
Let's examine some of the many benefits of the electronic cigarette as a sensible and healthier alternative to "real" smoking.

5 Benefits of the Electronic Cigarette :

1. Health.

The most dangerous aspect of smoking is the actual smoke and the associated tar, carcinogens and other chemicals that are inhaled into the lungs. With an e-cigarette nothing is actually lit, so there is no smoke, tar or carcinogens. The nicotine is vaporized into a mist that looks and feels like smoke, but isn't smoke.

This is clearly a much healthier alternative.

2. Cost.

The cost of the nicotine cartridges is where you really save a lot of money. An electronic cigarette nicotine cartridge is about the equivalent of 1 - 1.5 packs of tobacco cigarettes.

A package of 5 cartridges will cost you around $15. This comes out to about $2-$3 per pack... this is a huge savings!

3. Convenience.

You can smoke an e-cigarette anywhere because there is no smoke being emitted. You may get some funny looks if you suddenly start "vaping" in a restaurant or bar so you may want to get permission from management first.

But technically you can do this in any public area because there is no second-hand smoke to be concerned with.

4. Smell.

There is no lingering odor so no more worrying about stinky breath, hair, clothes, hands, etc. You won't be offending anyone with second hand smoke and no one can complain about the smell.

5. Peace of mind.

You will have the peace of mind knowing that you're choosing a healthier alternative. True, you're still absorbing nicotine but at least you're avoiding the the incredibly dangerous smoke and 4,000 toxic chemicals associated with tobacco cigarettes.

A lot of people wonder if electronic smoking can help a person quit smoking altogether. There have not been enough clinical studies to prove this one way or another so this is still a debatable subject.

However, other nicotine delivery alternatives like gum, patches, etc., are commonly used as a part of many stop-smoking approaches. Common sense would suggest that the electronic cigarette has the potential to do the same.

Best Electronic Cigarette , 7 Features to Consider

What is the best electronic cigarette?

The fact is that most ecigarette models basically work the same way. In a nutshell, a battery powers an atomizer which vaporizes a nicotine or water solution that is inhaled by the user.

The main differences are in overall quality and dependability as well as special or extra features that may appeal to you depending on your personality and needs.

7 Features To Consider When Choosing The Best Electronic Cigarette :

1. Overall look.

Most manufacturers make their ecigarettes to look like a real cigarette. The cartridge is brown to look like a filter, the battery is made to look like main body of a tobacco cigarette and the end will even glow red when you inhale to add to a realistic smoking experience.

For smokers who are looking to express their individuality a bit more, you can choose from a variety of colors or exotic designs. Some companies even offer e-cigars and pipes.

2. Color of the LED.

As mentioned above, the traditional look is a red LED on the tip that lights up when you take a drag. However, you can also choose a green or blue LED.

What difference does it make?

If your LED is red, you won't get as much attention from other smokers because it looks so realistic. On the other hand, if the end lights up green or blue, then you will attract much more attention from curious smokers. This could be good or bad depending on your personality.

Do you like to remain anonymous or do you enjoy socializing and answering question from strangers?

3. Vapor volume.

How much vapor you're able to get on one puff is a big deal for many smokers. Generally speaking, more volume equals a more satisfactory and realistic smoking experience.

4. Atomizer.

The atomizer is what vaporizes the nicotine solution and contributes greatly to overall vapor volume. The most common problem is a clogged atomizer. You may want to consider a two-piece model where the nicotine cartridge and atomizer are one unit. Every time you change your cartridge you also get a fresh atomizer.

5. Battery life.

Are you are going to use your ecigarette frequently throughout the day?

If so, you want to make sure your battery has battery life that will last for a whole day. You may also want to consider a battery charger for your car if you're on the road a lot.

6. Flavors.

Do you want the traditional flavor of tobacco or menthol?

Many companies also offer you the choice of experimenting with vanilla, chocolate, coffee and fruit flavors.

7. Nicotine strength.

The cartridges generally come in several different nicotine strengths: High, medium, low and zero nicotine. If you're trying to wean yourself off nicotine you may want to consider gradually cutting down on the strength levels.

Now that you know what to look for, with a little bit of research you should be able to find the best electronic cigarette that suits your personality and needs. Just don't make the mistake of buying the cheapest ecigarette you find. It's worth while to spend a few extra dollars initially to get a device that gives you the most realistic smoking experience without the mechanical problems found in many of the cheaper models.

Buying an Electronic Cigarette

Are you ready to buy an electronic cigarette?

Great... this is definitely a healthier and cleaner alternative to conventional cigarettes or cigars. Congratulations on making a smart decision!

But there are A LOT of different types to choose from...

Here is a list of some of the more popular types of e-cigarettes and the pros and cons of each :

1. Super Cigarette.

This is just a little bigger than a normal cigarette but looks very similar.

Strength: It is the most similar to a tobacco cigarette in size and feel. The battery life is pretty good and it produces a nice vapor.

Weakness : The cartridge size is a bit smaller than some other types, so you may have to replace or refill it more often.

2. The Mini Cigarette

The Mini Cigarette is a bit longer than the Super and basically the same diameter. However, the main difference is the mouthpiece which is tapered.

Strength : Decent vapor and battery life.

Weakness : A lot of people are saying it has an odd shape/feel and seems more like a small cigar rather than a conventional cigarette.

3. The Super Mini

The Super Mini is basically what it sounds like... the smallest type available.

Strength : Compact and easy to carry and use.

Weakness : Because of the size, the cartridge, batteries and atomizer are also small. This causes a weaker vapor and shorter battery life.

4. Disposable e-Cigarettes.

Everything is self contained. No need to change/refill cartridges, charge the battery, etc.

Strength : Some people find this model very convenient.

Weakness : Can get expensive and may seem a bit wasteful.

The Super Cigarette type is my personal favorite. It is the most similar in size and feel to a regular cigarette and produces the most robust vapor making it seem like an authentic smoking experience.

But don't rush out and buy an electronic cigarette yet!

Not all e-cigarettes are created equal... as a matter of fact many of the early designs are prone to mechanical failure. The most common complaint is that the atomizers get clogged. When this happens the vapor quality and volume is greatly compromised. Another problem is short battery life.

The best way to avoid these problems is to educate yourself on the best models/brands. Unfortunately the majority of manufacturers are producing cheaply made inferior products. The good news is that there are a handful of reputable companies with top of the line electronic cigarettes that will give you a realistic smoking experience without all the headaches.

If you would like more information on where you can buy one of the best electronic cigarettes available on the market, go to (Indo Electronic Cigarette).

Can Electronic Cigarettes Help You Quit Smoking

Can electronic cigarettes help you quit smoking ?

Probably, but the companies who sell these devices are not in a position to tell you that. Because the FDA has not approved electronic cigarettes, they are not being sold as smoking cessation devices, but rather as a healthier "smoking alternative" for people who want smoke in public places.

E-cigarettes are an alternative nicotine delivery system. Common sense would dictate that they could be effectively used as part of an overall smoking cessation program, similar to the way nicotine gum, patches and inhalers are.

And here is an interesting fact about electronic cigarette nicotine cartridges :

They come in several different nicotine levels high, medium, low, and zero nicotine. Conceivably a person could slowly wean themselves from their nicotine addiction by progressively lowering their intake levels. It's important to note that even a cartridge with a "high" nicotine level still delivers considerably less nicotine per inhale than a traditional cigarette.

So how many smokers successfully quit using the electronic cigarette?

It's too soon to say for sure and no organized studies have been performed to date. However, if one were to go to the numerous "vaping" forums they would see many testimonials of people who have kicked the habit for good using these devices. Some of these success stories are from people who have smoked over a pack a day for decades.

Until in-depth clinical studies are done, we are going to have to rely on anecdotal testimonials and our own reasonable judgement. Do your research and educate yourself on the facts. Then you will be well equipped to make and intelligent adult decision if this is something that can help you quit smoking.

Here's the bottom line :

No device, even one as promising as the e-cigarette, is going to be a "silver bullet" that can make a smoker quit overnight. Successfully quiting forever starts with a strong conviction to quit. If a person truly wants to quit then the electronic cigarette may prove to be a very helpful tool in realizing that goal.

But let's face it... many smokers DON"T want to quit!

They just enjoy smoking too much. For this group, electronic smoking can be a much healthier alternative... hopefully one that will keep them alive a lot longer.

Electronic Cigarette Review

Can the electronic cigarette offer a realistic smoking experience?

This is the first thought that came to my mind when I first heard about e-cigarettes and no doubt you're also wondering "how close to the real thing is it?"

I'd like to share my electronic cigarette review with you in the hopes that it will give you a clearer idea of what to expect should you decide to try it out.

Smokers enjoy their cigarettes. If you smoke then you know what I'm talking about. For many smokers it is a love hate relationship. You know it's bad for you but you enjoy the sensation and the actual ritual of smoking. That's why nicotine delivery alternatives like gum and the patch don't cut it... they don't simulate the actual smoking experience.

This is where the e-cigarette comes in. It claims to replicate a real smoking experience but without the same health risks and other drawbacks of smoking tobacco. And you know what? It does a pretty good job. It may not be exactly the same but the similarities are great enough to satisfy most smokers.

When I first heard about electric smoking I thought it was a joke. I mean come on... a battery powered cigarette?

You've got to be kidding!

It wasn't until recently (after hearing several positive reviews) that I finally decided to try it for myself.

I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised....

The sensation of the vapor is incredibly similar to real cigarette smoke. The vapor has a warmth to it and it feels like real smoke when you inhale. You also get that immediate nicotine sensation which is very satisfying.

The taste was a lot like tobacco but not exactly. It was a bit smoother and cleaner tasting and I found myself actually preferring the flavor. I understand that other flavors are available like menthol, vanilla, fruit, etc., but I didn't try any of those.

When you blow out the vapor you see a cloud that looks exactly like smoke but without the lingering smell. As a matter of fact the vapor is nearly odorless and the cloud (which is just vaporized water and nicotine) quickly disappears without a trace. The fact that the breath, hands, hair and clothes don't stink is a huge plus!

Another huge plus for me is the price. A pack of cigarettes where I live is over $7. A single nicotine cartridge for most electronic cigarettes is around $2 and is the equivalent of about 30 cigarettes.

I know cigarette smoking is bad, but at least now there is a healthier and more cost efficient alternative. I hope my electronic cigarette review helped you decide if this is something that may benefit you or someone you love. If you're a smoker I highly recommend giving the electronic cigarette a try... you may find yourself changing the way you smoke forever.

Electronic Cigarettes and the FDA

Electronic cigarettes, the FDA, anti-freeze and teenagers... how are these four connected?

Apparently the FDA found small traces of diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze, in one sample of electronic cigarette solution they analyzed. They are also concerned that teenagers will get addicted to electronic smoking. How serious are these issues? Are e-cigarettes harmful devices that should be banned? Lets get the facts straight and put all this information into perspective.

Diethylene glycol may be a toxic ingredient but exactly how toxic is it?

  1. It is has one-tenth the toxicity of aspirin.
  2. It has one-fortieth the toxicity of nicotine (the primary ingredient in electronic cigarette vapor).

Diethylene glycol is also found in everyday consumable products like :

  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash
  • Cough syrup
  • Wine
  • Dog food
  • And many others...

You have to wonder why the FDA is focusing so much on the minute traces of diethylene glycol found in one sample when clearly this is a very common ingredient many of us are ingesting regularly.

That's not to say that diethylene glycol is totally harmless and we shouldn't have any concerns about it. But when the FDA starts focusing on words like 'diethylene glycol' and 'anti-freeze' it sure does sound scary. However, a little bit of education on the facts puts it back in perspective doesn't it? By the way, water is another ingredient found in anti-freeze!

The FDA tends to give the impression that they have regulatory control over nicotine. That is not always the case. They regulate smoking cessation products and claims. That's why electronic cigarettes are marketed as a smoking alternative and not as a means to quit smoking.

Another "concern" expressed by the FDA is that electronic cigarettes target underage kids. Here is an FDA quote from one of their reports:

"These products are marketed and sold to young people and are readily available online and in shopping malls. They are also available in different flavors, such as chocolate and mint, which may appeal to young people".

There is absolutely zero evidence that e-cigarettes target teenagers. Just the opposite... the marketing is focused on adults who already smoke and are searching for a healthier alternative they can use in public places. And here is some breaking news: Adults like to shop in malls and enjoy a variety of flavor choices too! Besides, the initial cost of entry for a top of the line electronic cigarette is not practical for most teenagers.

I encourage you to do your own due diligence and research the electronic cigarette to see if this is something that will benefit you. Look at all sides of the story and try to get unbiased information. Right now the FDA appears to be biased against electronic smoking for some reason. Do they have a hidden agenda? Who knows... but I think I detect trace elements of BS in the FDA reports!

Tips on Using Your New Electronic Cigarette

Your new electronic cigarette is not a complicated device but with anything new there is always going to be a bit of a learning curve. Here are some tips on the best way to maximize your electronic smoking experience so you can save both time and money.

Tips for new electronic smokers :

1. Get extra batteries and atomizers.

These are the two things that are most likely to need replacing. A quick word of caution: It's a good idea to make sure you like your particular electronic cigarette model first before buying all the extras. Once you know for sure you're satisfied with it, get the extra hardware... you'll definitely get good use out of them!

2. Get a car charger and a USB passthrough.

These will allow you to "vape" while driving or at your computer without the need to drain your batteries. Again, make sure you're satisfied with your model before buying the extras.

3. Start off with a lower nicotine dose.

Electronic cigarette cartridges typically come in several different doses: High, medium, low and none. When you first get your e-cigarette you're going to want to be experimenting with it a lot, trying new flavors, etc. If you're not careful you'll end up absorbing more nicotine than you're used to... and possibly increasing your addiction to it. Start off low and increase your dose after the novelty wears off if you feel like it.

4. Take long, slow puffs.

A long, slow, steady puff will give you the most vapor volume. Short, hard puffs will tend to flood the atomizer causing reduced vapor production (you may even get liquid in your mouth).

5. Switch atomizers frequently.

Atomizers tend to get clogged easily and when this happens the vapor volume is greatly reduced. Switch out your atomizer daily for best performance and be sure to clean them frequently. (This tip only applies to three-part ecigs where the atomizer is a separate unit. Some newer two-piece models have a built in atomizer in each individual cartridge).

Follow these tips and you will have a head start on being able to fully enjoy your new electronic cigarette as soon as possible. If you're unsure about something be sure to check out some of the ecigarette forums online. These can be an excellent resource for answering nearly any question you can think of.

Congratulations on choosing a healthier smoking alternative... happy vaping!

What is an Electronic Cigarette

When I first heard about the electronic cigarette my first reaction was that this was a novelty item that wasn't to be taken seriously. But upon closer inspection I realized that this is an ingenious invention that has the potential to revolutionize the way people smoke forever.

What exactly is an electronic cigarette? Here is a description of what it is, how it works and how it can potentially benefit you or a loved one.

The e-cigarette is a battery powered device that looks, feels, tastes, and reacts like a cigarette... but it's not a real cigarette! It even delivers nicotine but without the harmful smoke, tar and chemicals associated with real tobacco smoke. The nicotine is inhaled via a clean odorless vapor.

An electronic cigarette is typically made up of three parts :

  1. Atomizer
  2. Battery
  3. Nicotine Cartridge

NOTE: Some of the newer models combine the atomizer and nicotine cartridges as one disposable unit. The advantage of this is that you always have a fresh atomizer instead of a single atomizer that can become clogged and less efficient over time. A fresh atomizer will insure that you get the highest volume of vapor on each puff, adding to a more satisfactory smoking experience.

Let's go over what each component does:

1. Atomizer.

This heats up and vaporizes a mixture of liquid nicotine. The sensation of inhaling this vapor is very similar to real cigarette smoke but without the same health risks. It even has a warm feel to it which adds to a realistic experience. The vapor produces a cloud that looks like smoke but is actually just a mist that quickly disappears.

2. Battery.

Nothing too complicated here, just a rechargeable battery that powers the atomizer. It is shaped to look like the body of a real cigarette. The lifespan of batteries varies from model to model. The lifespan depends on the number of mouth puffs. Typically you will get 150 - 400 puffs before having to recharge the battery.

3. Nicotine cartridge.

These cartridges are made up of a water/nicotine solution. A single cartridge is typically the equivalent of 1 - 1.5 packs of tobacco cigarettes. Different nicotine strengths are available in high, low, or medium. Most manufacturers also offer a variety of flavors ranging from traditional tobacco flavor, menthol, vanilla, chocolate and fruit flavors.

The electronic cigarette is surprisingly similar to the real thing but without the same health risks. There is no lingering offensive odor. It's also a lot less expensive than tobacco cigarettes. This combined with the fact that you can use it anywhere makes e-smoking a sensible and healthier alternative, one worth considering either for yourself or a loved one.